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20 July – 31 August

Oedipus, Medea and the heroes of the Trojan War; war, flight, fate, self-finding and loss of self; sacrifice, guilt and atonement are at the core of these works, the ancient myths which the 2019 Festival summer aspired to explore anew: Mozart’s Idomeneo, Cherubini's Médée, Offenbach's Orphée aux enfers

‘What is greater than destiny?’ the Sphinx asks the title hero in George Enescu’s Œdipe, for whom the Romanian composer wrote one of the most demanding baritone roles. In the Felsenreitschule/Summer Riding School, Achim Freyer transposed Enescu’s musical cosmos into his own cosmic imagery: masks, rituals, plays of colour, extravagant costumes and props that were projected as playful riddles. ‘Ingo Metzmacher produced sounds from the pit of the greatest artistry and excitement, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra played at the edge of their seats, Christopher Maltman in the title role led a cast that was first-class throughout.’1

The straight drama programme re-echoed with the myth of Antigone and Creon in a new play by Theresia Walser: Die Empörten/The Outraged was given its world première staged by Burkhard C. Kosminski.

1Jörn Florian Fuchs: Zwischen Gesamtkunstwerk und Dilettantismus, in: BR Klassik, 28 August 2019,