
To book your advertisements, please contact:

Karin Zehetner
Tel: +43.662.8045.241

An epicentre of the extraordinary

The Salzburg Festival is often described as the largest and most important festival in the world, and indeed this reputation is backed up by numerous superlatives – and not just in terms of the number of events, annual visitors or tickets on offer. or the number of tickets on offer. Conductors, directors, singers, actors and virtuosos of world renown – even the most prominent opera stars even the most prominent opera stars put in weeks of hard rehearsals for their performances and put themselves at the service of the festival philosophy. From its humble beginnings in 1920 to its current international acclaim, the festival can look back on a remarkable history.

We cordially invite you to become part of this unforgettable experience. The Salzburg Festival is not only a festival but also a reflection of human creativity and passion. ‘Eternity lies in every beginning’ (Hugo von Hofmannsthal).