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25 July – 31 August

1994 saw a Stravinsky feast at the Festival: Sylvain Cambreling – the busiest conductor under Mortier – along with Peter Mussbach and Jörg Immendorff brought out a new production of The Rake’s Progress.

In pop-inspired images they interpreted the story of the rake Tom Rakewell as a parable of an artist’s existence. ‘The Düsseldorf painter Jörg Immendorff certainly went to town with his brush and spread his artistic ribaldries around with great glee’, wrote the magazine Der Spiegel.1 Kent Nagano and Peter Sellars put on Oedipus Rex in combination with the Symphony of Psalms. In addition, L’Histoire du soldat was played in a tent in the courtyard of the Tuscany wing of the Residenz.

The ‘Don Giovanni of the century’ heralded by Gerard Mortier and directed by Patrice Chéreau did not live up to expectations. In this production Daniel Barenboim was heard for the first time as opera conductor in Salzburg, on the rostrum of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Peter Stein completed the Shakespeare cycle with Antony and Cleopatra.

1 Klaus Umbach: Getümmel der Lüstlinge, in: Der Spiegel, No. 31/1994, 1 August 1994