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Festival not held

Various factors led to a cancellation of the performances of the Marian legend Das Mirakel / The Miracle by Karl Vollmoeller, to be directed by Reinhardt and planned for August 1924 in the Kollegienkirche / Collegiate Church: grave differences between the Salzburg and Vienna branches of the Festival Theatre Association, financial problems and numerous commitments of those in charge of the Festival – for instance, in April of that year, Max Reinhardt had taken over as director of the Theater in der Josef­stadt and his troupe was on tour in America. The Festival did not take place.

In autumn, Richard Strauss withdrew as President of the Festival Theatre Association, the directors of the Vienna branch of the association resigned with him. The arts ­council likewise resigned. After the dissolution of the Festival Theatre Association and its reformation and relocation to Salzburg, Richard Strauss, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Max Reinhardt and Alfred Roller formed the arts council.