Perner-Insel, Hallein - Alte Schmiede

What food is there on offer at the Perner-Insel?

About the venue

Perner-Insel, Hallein - Alte Schmiede

How to get there

Adress & contact

Alte Schmiede
Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein

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Tel.: +43 662 8045 0

Public transport

Bus stop Heidebrücke
Lines 41, 160, 170

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Parking place Perner-Insel
Perner-Insel, 5400 Hallein

Further Information >

Opening hours: daily 0-24 h

Further information

How do I get to the Perner-Insel in Hallein?
On performance days, a free bus shuttle is available from Salzburg to Hallein to the Perner-Insel and back. The bus leaves one hour before the performance starts at the beginning of Reichenhaller Straße (at the height of house no. 4). The exit and entrance of the bus are on Perner-Insel directly in front of the venue at "Eingang Süd" ("South Entrance"). Free bus tickets are available on the bus. Please show proof of low epidemiological risk ("3G proof") when boarding the bus. During bus rides, guests 14 years and older must wear an FFP2 mask. Guests under 14 years of age will wear mouth to nose protection. The return trip will be directly after the end of the performance at the bus exit point. Parking on Perner-Insel is free for the first 3 hours and from 20:00. This means that if you enter from 17:00 onwards, there is no charge for performance guests.
When does the box office open on the Perner-Insel?
The box office opens one hour before the start of the performance.
What food is there on offer at the Perner-Insel?
In the courtyard as well as around the Perner-Island, spoil yourself with culinary delights by local restaurateurs before the performance as well as during the performance break.

Venues of the Salzburg Festival