Martha Jungwirth, Ohne Titel, aus der Serie Naxos, 1996 Aquarell auf Papier (Kontobuchseite), 88 x 68 cm © Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus, Inv.-Nr. 2036 © Martha Jungwirth/Bildrecht, Wien 2023

‘Shadow’ is the first word in Beat Furrer’s music theatre work Begehren (Desire), based on texts by Cesare Pavese, Günter Eich, Ovid and Virgil. And it is from the shadows that the sounds emerge, in the form of single lines murmuring, whispering and flickering as they rise upwards. Two people set out from the underworld, hoping to see daylight again. The decision to turn around, to look back, is also an emotional turning point: one that freezes this tragic moment in time, to be relived over and over again. But this is only the beginning of a relationship drama that is obsessively concerned with remembering and searching. With Begehren, a reinterpretation of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, Beat Furrer has created one of his most haunting works of music theatre.

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