This year, the drama investigations focus on current social and philosophical problems. The first round is devoted to Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s drama Nathan the Wise, whose work history is discussed in the context of the Enlightenment.
In another round, reference is made to the literary work of female authors and the canonization of works by male authors is critically reconsidered.
Masha Gessen addresses the question of why democracies are currently under increasing pressure and autocratic systems are spreading at the same time. Gessen writes for American and Russian media, is active in the LGBTQI movement, and now works regularly in New York for The New Yorker magazine and other international publications.
What we can say goodbye to as human beings and what the farewell means for us as a consciously completed threshold will be discussed in the context of a “Farewell Roundtable.” Carolin Emcke curates this discourse.