Martha Jungwirth, Farbproben, ohne Jahr
Aquarell und Bleistift auf handgeschöpftem Papier, 86 x 60,5 cm
Foto: © Dorotheum Wien
© Martha Jungwirth/Bildrecht, Wien 2023
Supported by

UNIQA · Würth-Gruppe · Raiffeisen Salzburg


‘Oh, if only I had believed my daughter!’ laments the father. After all, she had warned him about the king’s suspiciousness… When her father discovers a valuable object, the king accuses him of keeping a part of it for himself. The father is promptly thrown in prison. Hearing his cries of woe, the king summons the man’s daughter. He poses three riddles, which she solves without difficulty. Impressed by her cleverness, he takes her as his wife. But when she exposes another error of judge­ment by the king, he casts her out and allows her to take only ‘what her heart holds most dear’ with her… Nine performers and an orchestra of 15 musicians will explore pressing questions of justice and injustice, power and powerlessness for a young audience. And the biggest question of all: what does the wise daughter take with her?

The introductory workshop Wir spielen Oper! will take place before the performances.


26. July 2024
Die Kluge | Salzburg Festival 2024 – Trailer

for children from 6 years

Programme Navigator