8 May 2024

Salzburg Festival Makers | Anita Aichinger

Our series on “Salzburg Festival Makers” features the various faces behind the scenes of the Salzburg Festival.

Whether it’s nuts, fire extinguishers or slime – our festival maker Anita Aichinger is never bored in her job as head of props, because the demands in every production are different and sometimes unusual. According to her, what is especially nice is “that we really have the opportunity to play within the job”.

The festival cycle is like an annual cycle in nature. Every quarter, each department goes through different stages, she says. Her highlight is the festival itself, which represents pure vitality as the heart of the festival.

The variety and the people she works with and the challenges they face brighten her days. Find out more about Anita and her work in the interview below.


8. May 2024
Salzburg Festival Makers | Anita Aichinger