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Foto-ID: #172625
16th Winds Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic 2022: Lars Michael Stransky (Conductor), Vienna Philharmonic, Windmusic youth from Salzburg, Vienna and Burgenland
16th Winds Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic 2022: Lars Michael Stransky (Conductor), Vienna Philharmonic, Windmusic youth from Salzburg, Vienna and Burgenland
16th Winds Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic 2022: Lars Michael Stransky (Conductor), Vienna Philharmonic, Windmusic youth from Salzburg, Vienna and Burgenland
16th Winds Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic 2022: Lars Michael Stransky (Conductor), Vienna Philharmonic, Windmusic youth from Salzburg, Vienna and Burgenland
Angelika Prokopp Summer-Academy 2022: Theresa Prem, Alma Soneshtain (Flute), Lorenz Maderthaner, Marton Nagy (Oboe), Alexander Svetnitsky, Valentin Lemberg (Clarinet), Sophie Dervaux, Martina Miniussi, Lidia Ariza Nogues (Bassoon), Markus Bauer, Klaus Hopfler, Johannes Rieger, Janis Benedikt Volz (Horn)