With contributions from
Aleida Assmann Cultural Scientist
Jan Assmann Cultural & Religious Scientist
Korbinian Birnbacher OSB Erzabt St. Peter in Salzburg
Philipp Blom Author & Historian
Antonia Eder Germanist
Karl Markus Gauss Author
Volker Gerhardt Philosopher
Birgit Recki Philosopher
et al.

‘More than ever before, putting on a festival in the 21st century means confronting the realities of a rapidly changing world.’ – A special edition of the Festival Dialogues (in memoriam Michael Fischer) will be revived on the occasion of our centenary, sparking critical discussion about the phenomenon of the Festival and exploring the sources it draws from, the meaning ascribed to it (especially in times of crisis), and the mission it has to undertake in an increasingly digitized world.

Registration required via Programmbereich (Inter)Mediation
Musik – Vermittlung – Kontext
Interuniversitäre Einrichtung Wissenschaft und Kunst
w-k.sbg.ac.at · ingeborg.schrems@sbg.ac.at

Programme Navigator