29 Sep 2023

Salzburg Festival Makers | Inga Petersen

Our new series on “Salzburg Festival Makers” features the various faces behind the scenes of the Salzburg Festival.

Making the impossible possible.

It’s a magic of the Salzburg Festival that Inga Petersen has had the privilege of witnessing for the past four years as part of our artistic administration office, opera.

From office work in the winter to the “Remmidemmi” in the summer – working on the front lines of the action and making sure everything keeps moving are some of her favorite aspects of the job at the Salzburg Festival. She never gets bored with the huge festival and its multifaceted nature.

Dive in and learn about Inga’s passion for art and culture and what moves her the most!


29. September 2023
Salzburg Festival Makers | Inga Petersen