
Seray Pinar

Current as of August 2024

Seray Pinar was born in Turkey and studied at the Hacettepe University in Ankara.

In 2021 she appeared in several concerts and as Lola (Cavalleria rusticana) at the Ankara State Opera. In 2018 she won first prize in the student category of the National Young Soloists Competition in İzmir, and in 2022 she won the first prize in the professional singer category of the same competition. In 2023 she was a finalist in the Paris Opera Competition and the International Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition. Since September 2022 she has been a member of the Académie of the Paris Opéra, where she has appeared in roles including Lucilla (La scala di seta) and the Child (L’Enfant et les sortilèges, and in the Académie’s concert Nocturne, video en-chantée. In 2023 she took part in the Lindemann Young Artist Development Program of the Metropolitan Opera in New York as an exchange student, and performed the role of Marchesa Melibea (Il viaggio a Reims) at the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro.

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