About the production

Public Final Performance
Free admission
No tickets necessary

In cooperation with the Vienna Philharmonic and with the support of the Salzburg Foundation of the American Austrian Foundation (AAF) and Solway Investment Group

How far should revenge go? The sorceress Medea used to be willing to do anything for her beloved husband Jason. She betrayed her own family, helped Jason to get the Golden Fleece and fled with him to an uncertain future. But Jason failed to stay true to her. He left Medea and took their sons with him. We ask, how far should revenge go? The fabled story of Medea has been told in countless adaptations. Of the many musical settings, Luigi Cherubini’s opera Médée is regarded as one of the most noteworthy. Few composers have conveyed Medea’s emotional world so eloquently: here, the character is torn between love and jealousy, feeling and reason.